Which Software Development Method Should You Use: Agile or Waterfall?

June 27, 2023

Over the last six years, businesses have intentionally transitioned from the old waterfall model to a more agile project management framework.  According to the 15th Annual State of Agile Report, there has been an impressive increase in Agile adoption, with over 94% of respondents indicating that their business is using Agile. According to Goremotely.net, 71% of […]


Over the last six years, businesses have intentionally transitioned from the old waterfall model to a more agile project management framework. 

According to the 15th Annual State of Agile Report, there has been an impressive increase in Agile adoption, with over 94% of respondents indicating that their business is using Agile. 
According to Goremotely.net, 71% of businesses utilize agile methodologies as their software production methodology and business project approach.

The Agile Methodology

Agile development is a continuous, team-based process. This method prioritizes the speedy delivery of web application development services in fully functional components. Instead of defining tasks and calendars, it converted into sprints.” 

Each sprint has a set period and a running list of deliverables planned at the sprint’s beginning. Deliverables are prioritized based on the customer’s company benefit. 

If the sprint’s scheduled work cannot be done, the task is reprioritized, and the data is used for future sprint planning.

As work ends, the project team and customer can examine and evaluate it using daily builds and end-of-sprint demonstrations. 

Agile requires high client participation throughout the project, notably during those assessments.

Agile Development’s Fundamental Principles

There are numerous essential principles that any agile development project will follow with this team and a time-sensitive methodology.


The need to be able to modify design, architecture, requirements, and deliverables along the process is highlighted by agile development.

Customer involvement: 

Because design and deliverable units are constantly changing, agile software development needs tight communication between the customer and the development team. 

Lean Development:

Agile development prioritizes making the result as simple as feasible. Agile development will design the software accordingly if the identical outcome can be obtained in two stages rather than five. 


Agile places a high importance on collaboration. Teams must constantly examine how they can improve their effectiveness and change the agile project as it progresses. 

Extreme Programming requires engineers to collaborate in pairs because two heads are better than one.


Agile development approaches time during projects fundamentally differently, breaking tasks down into extremely few units of time. 


Instead of rushing to meet deadlines in exchange for an incomplete project, agile development prioritizes establishing a sustainable pace for software development.


Unlike waterfall approaches, which have a separate testing phase, agile methods insist on testing throughout the project. 

The Advantages of Agile Development

The Advantages of Agile Development

The advantages of agile development are all about client happiness and the ultimate result of the development project. 

The agile technique can be challenging to learn, but the effort may be worthwhile for a good development team.

Participation of stakeholders: 

Using agile mobile app development services encourages ongoing engagement between the development team and the client. 

Flexible deliverables: 

Agile allows stakeholders to prioritize deliverables. In other words, if a customer wants to release the actual product before the whole suite, agile provides for it.


We discussed adaptability as a critical component of agile development and is also one of its primary benefits. 

As clients better understand what they require from the program, the product can adjust planned sprints accordingly. 

User-friendly product: 

Because users may submit input after each sprint, agile-developed products are frequently user-friendly.

The Disadvantages of Agile Development 

The Disadvantages of Agile Development 

Intense dedication: 

Agile development works best when every team member is dedicated to the project for the duration. It may be difficult for some development businesses with a lot going on simultaneously, and it may even be difficult for individual developers.

Higher Cost:

While time-boxed sprints enable planning, it is always potential that some deliverables will fall behind schedule. 

It is a simple fact about development undertakings. Creating the required extra sprints may result in a higher project cost for the customer.

The Waterfall Methodology

The Waterfall is a method of developing linear software. The following is the order of events in this methodology:

  • Gather and document requirements
  • Design
  • Code and unit test
  • Perform system testing
  • Perform user acceptance testing (UAT)
  • Fix any issues
  • Deliver the finished product

Each represents a unique step of developing software in a simple Waterfall development project, and each stage usually completes before another one can begin. 

There is usually a stage gate between each; for example, before design can begin, the customer must evaluate and authorize requirements for Ul And UX design services.

The Advantages of the Waterfall Methodology

The Advantages of the Waterfall Methodology

Waterfall may be incorrectly labeled as “bad” or “outdated” due to the growing popularity of Agile methodologies. 

Product teams may be attracted to follow the trend and become Agile, which may not be the best option. Waterfall excels in a variety of areas, including

A well-defined framework: 

Before the project begins, there is a clear understanding of the project timeframe and deliverables. The development team and their customers agree on the whole scope of the project in advance. 


Each stage of the procedure is carefully documented to avoid misconceptions or shortcuts.

Shared load: 

It does not necessarily require a development team’s full attention and time. Individual team members can focus on other areas of their work based on the phase.

Hands-off approach: 

This method allows the customer to take a more hands-off attitude. There is little need for continued client presence until the review phase once the original design and project plan are in place.

The Disadvantages of the Waterfall Methodology

The Disadvantages of the Waterfall Methodology

There is no single approach to software development that will work for every team every time. The waterfall method has a few disadvantages.

Less consumer involvement: 

A hands-off approach is not appropriate for all products. As the project progresses, specific consumers will want to be more involved. 

The waterfall technique may result in frustration on both ends if there is no foundation for that involvement.

Changes can be difficult: 

The waterfall technique is designed to follow a set of procedures and a timeline. When these parts are in place, it can be tough to make modifications when the development team hits an obstacle. 

Adaptability is an important aspect of software development, especially as it might be difficult for clients.

Last-minute testing: 

Another disadvantage of Waterfall vs. agile is that it is not time-bound. While this can often result in a successful project, development projects frequently fall behind schedule. As a result, the final testing step is rushed, which may result in strongly buggy code.

Which Is The Better, Between Agile And Waterfall?

Which development technique you choose is heavily influenced by several crucial criteria. Waterfall may be the greatest solution when there is no or limited access to a consumer to provide continuous input.  It best suits projects with a dispersed crew, a specified scope, and a limited budget.

Agile is better suited to larger, more complicated projects with fast access to client feedback. The agile technique is suited for projects with constantly changing needs due to its inherent flexibility. 

“Get a custom software development service that can produce the best results using an agile approach?” ultroNeous Technologies – a software development company that can help you at every stage of the development process.”

Wrapping It Up

Once we’ve determined the core approach, we can modify the development process to best suit our project objectives. Finally, while how we conduct our work is crucial, what matters is producing a robust and maintained product that satisfies our customers.

Which development model is better: Agile or Waterfall?

The Waterfall is best suited for projects with specific deadlines and deliverables. If your key project constraints are properly known and documented, the Waterfall technique is usually the best option. The Agile methodology was developed for projects without recognized major constraints.

When would Agile be preferable to the waterfall methodology?

When the customer is unsure about the specifications or wants to be intimately involved in the software development cycle, and when timelines are short and they want speedy delivery, an Agile methodology is a better alternative. The Waterfall is preferable when dependencies are complicated, but Agile is best when dependencies are few.

Why is Agile superior to other models?

Agile teams are well-known for their ability to complete tasks quickly because Agile teams have a collaborative culture and efficiencies likely to grow. 

Look for Agile solutions that provide insights into delivery trends, allowing barriers to be removed and workflow procedures to be adapted for increased productivity.

When should we employ the waterfall model?

This approach is only utilized when the needs are well-defined, clear, and fixed. The product definition is consistent. Technology is comprehended.

Is the waterfall approach still in use?

Finding the correct methodology becomes essential while developing new software. Because many developers are shifting to newer methodologies, Waterfall is still frequently employed in traditional organizational systems and processes.


Jinesh Shah



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