Which JavaScript Framework/Libraries to Consider for your App

June 3, 2022

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language of programming that allows both imperative and event-based programming styles. JavaScript Framework is being used for a lot more than only client-side programming. Frameworks make it simple to work because they do either very so few code configurations.


In today’s world, mobile apps have become an integral part of our daily routine. In the third quarter of 2022, an average smartphone user spent nearly 4.86 U.S. dollars on mobile apps. With the skyrocketing number of app developments in recent years, mobile apps are generating billions of dollars in revenue. It’s a cut-throat competition among mobile developers to build apps that provide the best user experience and effectively solve problems. To achieve this goal, JavaScript has emerged as a viable solution for building mobile apps. If you’re wondering which is the best JavaScript framework for mobile apps, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll help you find the perfect JavaScript framework to build mobile apps that are both user-friendly and effective.

Understanding of JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript is one programming language that has captured the imagination of millions of people. Its ability to construct dynamic websites and mobile apps has become a popular choice for both startups and large corporations. If you’re interested in learning more about JavaScript, we’ve covered you with a comprehensive guide.

When developing efficient mobile apps, mainly for Android, JavaScript frameworks are the go-to choice. These frameworks consist of pre-written code libraries that web developers can use to speed up their development process. Many people looking to create mobile apps have discovered that JavaScript is the perfect choice because of its cost-effectiveness, robust community support, and easy learning curve. To dive deeper into JS test frameworks, check out our guide to JS test frameworks.

JavaScript frameworks work seamlessly across various platforms, including Windows, Android, and iOS. With a solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, developers can create mobile apps that are both powerful and efficient.

JavaScript Frameworks For App Development

React Native

React Native is a powerful tool that empowers developers to create native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms. With React Native’s hybrid nature, you can use the same codebase to build a mobile application. The primary goal of React Native is to enhance the mobile user experience. It also offers fast and high-performance development, making it a great choice for creating cross-platform mobile apps.

Key Features

  • Its one-way data flow feature gives developers more control over the development process. This feature also helps increase user engagement and reduces the likelihood of users leaving the app. 
  • It is simple and easy to use, leveraging the widely-used Node Package Manager for installation. 
  • Thanks to React Native’s modular and user-friendly interface, it’s easy for multiple developers to collaborate on building an app. 


VueJS is a rapidly growing framework that outperforms many others in size, reactivity, reusability, documentation, and ease of use. This robust framework boasts many unique features, making it an outstanding choice for developers and organizations. Despite its versatility and flexibility, Vue.Js is in high demand as it provides solutions for creating modern and high-performing apps.

Key Features

  • The use of virtual DOM, data-binding, components, and HTML templates. The framework’s data-binding feature allows for the manipulation and assignment of values to HTML attributes, the assignment of classes, the changing of styles, and much more. 
  • Components are another critical aspect of Vue.JS, allowing developers to build custom elements that can be reused in HTML. 
  • With VueJS, HTML templates can bind with the DOM and the instance data of Vue, making it a powerful and flexible choice for app development.
  • VueJS uses a more efficient and faster virtual DOM implementation compared to React, making it more performant and allowing for quicker updates to the user interface.

Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI is an open-source framework designed to support online and mobile application development. The framework is based on the MVC and MVVM architecture, making it one of the most sought-after platforms for app development. Mobile Angular UI’s popularity is due to its easy-to-use plug-and-play components, intuitive directives, and native-like experience for hybrid apps.

Key Features

  • Mobile Angular UI is a low-code framework that enables users to build apps quickly and easily. 
  • MVC and MVVM architecture allows developers to change the model layer and see the updates automatically reflected in the view layer. This results in faster development time and quicker debugging. 
  • Mobile Angular UI leverages the power of Bootstrap and AngularJS to enable developers to create HTML5 mobile apps. 
  • The framework provides unique functionality like overlays, scrollbar regions, and switches that rely on the performance of fastclick.js and overhtrow.js. 
  • Angular redefines the current JavaScript virtual machine by converting templates into code, resulting in faster loading times than other front-end frameworks.
  • Even beginners can quickly learn React Native’s commands and build powerful mobile apps.


EmberJS is a powerful and widely-used tool for building intricate and demanding mobile apps. It is an open-source JavaScript framework that features Fastboot.js and Ember.js, allowing for two-way binding.

Key Features

  • Ember is an excellent solution for companies needing to onboard new developers quickly and efficiently transfer team members across projects. 
  • It is built to handle complex routing and enables shared URLs, making maintaining and reusing code easier.
  • Ember.js uses templates to automatically update the model as the app’s content changes, making it an efficient framework. 
  • It is an adaptable solution, allowing developers to improve the performance of their apps without requiring full-page refreshes. 
  • And if developers encounter issues, Ember Inspector is a handy tool for troubleshooting Ember apps.
  • Ember’s cutting-edge features make it an indispensable tool for building robust, efficient, and scalable mobile apps. 


Backbone.js, a lightweight JS framework created in 2010, has become famous for web developers due to its Model View Presenter (MVP) architecture. With its RESTful JSON interface, Backbone.js helps create client-side web apps by structuring web apps with models for custom events and key-value binding, collections with an efficient API, and views using declarative event handling.

Key Features

There are several features and benefits of Backbone.js that make it an excellent option for web development. 

  • Firstly, it is a free and open-source framework with over 100 extensions available. 
  • Backbone.js allows for impressive designs with fewer lines of code and offers structured and organized app development. 
  • The code is simple and easy to maintain. While it has a softer dependency on jQuery, Backbone.js is stronger on Underscore.js.
  • It is ideal for developing simple-page apps, creating smooth front-end JS functions, and building organized and well-defined client-side mobile or web apps. 

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile is a highly versatile and user-friendly framework that allows developers to create responsive websites and apps compatible with a wide range of devices. This powerful tool combines HTML5, jQuery, and jQuery UI, which enables developers to build complex web apps with minimal programming.

Key Features

  • One of the most notable features of jQuery Mobile is its built-in theme system, which offers developers the flexibility to customize the look and feel of their apps. 
  • This framework provides touch-based user input functions designed to work seamlessly across different browsers and devices.
  • Thanks to its lightweight size, jQuery Mobile is ideal for developers looking to create fast-loading web apps that deliver an exceptional user experience. 
  • With its powerful combination of features and ease of use, jQuery Mobile is an essential tool for any developer looking to create cutting-edge web apps that are both responsive and highly functional.

Apache Cordova

Apache Cordova is an adaptable and open-source JavaScript framework widely used for mobile development. It enables developers to access the native features of mobile devices and operating systems through its built-in JavaScript API. The framework also works with PhoneGap, allowing developers to use their JavaScript, HTML, and CSS scripts seamlessly.

Key Features 

  • Apache Cordova comes with a range of pre-made plugins that provide access to the device’s camera, GPS, and file system, among other features. 
  • With Cordova’s basic components, developers can quickly create the app’s framework and concentrate more on implementing their logic.
  • Cordova’s CLI is another crucial feature that allows developers to create new projects, compile them on multiple platforms, and run them on actual devices or emulators. This feature significantly reduces the time and effort required to develop and test mobile apps.

Wrapping Lines

In conclusion, choosing the right JavaScript framework/library is crucial for building high-performing web apps. Ember.js, jQuery Mobile, Apache Cordova, Vue.JS, and Backbone.js are some of the most popular frameworks available, each with unique features and benefits. It’s important to evaluate your project requirements and choose a framework that fits your needs. Doing so ensures your web app development is structured, organized, and efficient. We hope this article has provided actionable insights to help you choose the suitable JavaScript framework/library for your next project. And if you want us to be the one who gives the wings to your project, then contact us and set your goals now!🚀


Jinesh Shah



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