Developing eCommerce App in 2023: Features and Tech Stacks used

July 8, 2022

eCommerce website is your superb option to thrive in this 21st century if you are a product maker, distributor, or intermediary between buyers and sellers of physical things.


The eCommerce industry is like a beehive of activity, buzzing with innovation and opportunity. With the rise of digital technologies, it has become easier than ever for businesses to reach customers worldwide and offer their products and services online. Today, eCommerce is a multi-billion dollar industry, and it’s only getting bigger. From big-box retailers to small mom-and-pop shops, the eCommerce arena is the place to be for businesses that want to tap into the massive potential of the online marketplace. 

An eCommerce app can help businesses build brand loyalty, reach new customers, and drive sales conveniently and efficiently. An eCommerce app development is a smart investment whether you’re a small business just starting or an established company looking to expand your reach.

We’ll cover everything from the key features of an eCommerce app to the technical stacks used to build them and provide actionable advice on choosing the right tech stack for your project. Whether you’re a tech-savvy entrepreneur or a seasoned developer, this blog is a must-read for anyone looking to build an eCommerce app in 2023. So sit back, relax, and dive into the exciting world of eCommerce app development!

eCommerce App

Understanding eCommerce apps 

Definition and Functionality

An eCommerce app is a digital platform enabling businesses to sell products or services to customers online. It’s the digital storefront for your business, where customers can browse and purchase your offerings from the comfort of their own devices. eCommerce apps come in all shapes and sizes, from simple marketplaces that bring buyers and sellers together to complex platforms that offer a full suite of tools and features for managing and growing a business.

The functionality of an eCommerce app varies depending on the type of business and the needs of the customers it serves. But, at a minimum, most eCommerce apps include a product catalog, a shopping cart, and a payment gateway for processing transactions. More advanced eCommerce apps may include features such as order management, customer relationship management (CRM), marketing and promotion tools, and analytics and reporting capabilities.

Types of eCommerce Apps

B2B eCommerce Apps

B2B (business-to-business) eCommerce apps are designed for companies that sell products and services to other businesses. These apps typically offer a more complex suite of features than B2C (business-to-consumer) apps, including managing large product catalogs, handling high volumes of transactions, and supporting complex pricing structures and payment terms.

B2C eCommerce Apps

B2C (business-to-consumer) eCommerce apps are designed for companies that sell products and services directly to consumers. These apps are often focused on offering an enjoyable and streamlined shopping experience for customers, with features such as easy-to-use shopping carts, intuitive product navigation, and secure payment processing.

C2C eCommerce Apps

C2C (consumer-to-consumer) eCommerce apps are online marketplaces where individuals can buy and sell products and services to one another. These apps typically offer a more community-focused experience than B2B or B2C apps, with features such as user ratings, feedback systems, and the ability to communicate with one another.

Key Features of an eCommerce App

At the heart of any successful eCommerce app lies core features that enable businesses to sell their products or services online. These features work together to provide a seamless shopping experience for customers while also giving businesses the tools they need to manage and grow their online sales. Here are the seven key features that every eCommerce app should have:

Product Catalog

The product catalog is the backbone of any eCommerce app. It’s where businesses showcase their products and services, providing customers with detailed information about each item. The product catalog should be easy to navigate and search, with clear, attractive images and descriptions that help customers make informed purchase decisions.

Shopping Cart

The shopping cart is where customers add items they want to purchase. It should be intuitive and easy to use, with features such as adding or removing items, viewing the total cost of the order, and applying discounts or coupons. The shopping cart should also save the customer’s progress, allowing them to return to their cart later to complete their purchase.

Payment Gateway Integration

An eCommerce app needs a secure and reliable payment gateway to process transactions. Payment gateway integration ensures that customers can pay for their orders quickly and efficiently while protecting sensitive financial information. Popular payment gateways include PayPal, Stripe, and

Order Management

Order management features enable businesses to manage and fulfill customer orders efficiently. These features should include viewing and tracking orders, updating order status, and generating shipping labels and invoices. Order management features can also help businesses manage inventory levels and ensure they have enough stock to fulfill orders promptly.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM features enable businesses to build and maintain relationships with their customers. These features should include viewing customer information, tracking customer interactions, and sending personalized communications such as emails or targeted promotions. A robust CRM system can help businesses improve customer retention and brand loyalty.

Marketing & Promotion

Marketing and promotion features are essential for driving traffic and sales to an eCommerce app. These features should include the ability to create and manage marketing campaigns, such as email newsletters, social media promotions, and targeted advertising. Marketing and promotion features can help businesses reach new customers and increase sales.

Analytics & Reporting

Analytics and reporting features provide businesses with valuable insights into their eCommerce operations. These features should include tracking sales, monitoring website traffic, and analyzing customer behavior. Analytics and reporting can help businesses make data-driven decisions, optimize their eCommerce operations, and identify new growth opportunities.

Latest Trends and Technology Stack In eCommerce App


The world of eCommerce is constantly evolving, with new trends and technologies emerging every year. To stay ahead of the competition, businesses must keep up with these changes and adopt the latest technologies in their eCommerce app development. Here are some of the latest trends and technology stacks in eCommerce app development:

Adoption of Microservices Architecture

One of the latest trends in eCommerce app development is the adoption of microservices architecture. This approach involves breaking down an app into smaller, independent components that can be developed and deployed separately. Microservices architecture offers several benefits, including increased flexibility, easier maintenance, and faster development times.

Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are increasingly used in eCommerce app development. These technologies can help businesses personalize the shopping experience for each customer by analyzing their behavior and preferences. AI and ML can also be used for fraud detection and prevention, as well as for optimizing pricing and inventory management.

Integration with Chatbots

Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular for businesses to communicate with their customers. These automated programs can help customers find the products they’re looking for, answer common questions, and even process orders. Businesses can provide a more streamlined and efficient customer experience by integrating chatbots into their eCommerce apps.

Utilizing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are new web apps that combine websites’ best features and native mobile apps. PWAs can be accessed through a web browser but can also be installed on a user’s device and run like a native app. eCommerce web apps offer several advantages, including faster loading times, improved reliability, and offline functionality.

Importance of Scalability and Performance

Scalability and performance are crucial considerations for eCommerce app development. As businesses grow and their customer base expands, their app needs to handle increased traffic and demand. This requires a robust infrastructure, optimized code, and database design. By prioritizing scalability and performance in their eCommerce app development, businesses can ensure that their app can keep up with their growth.

Key Technical Stacks used in eCommerce app development 

Choosing the right technology stack is important to develop a high-quality eCommerce app. A technical stack is a collection of technologies used to create an app. Here, we will discuss the key technical stacks in eCommerce app development.

Frontend Technologies

The front is part of the eCommerce app that is visible to the user. It is responsible for displaying the content and user interface of the app. The following are some of the popular frontend technologies used in eCommerce app development:


ReactJS is a JavaScript library used to build user interfaces. It is developed by Facebook and is widely used in eCommerce app development. It is known for its high performance, scalability, and reusability.


VueJS is another popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is lightweight, easy to learn, and has a simple and intuitive API.


AngularJS is a robust JavaScript framework for building complex web applications. It was developed by Google and is known for its scalability, flexibility, and modularity.

Backend Technologies: 

The backend is part of the eCommerce app that is not visible to the user. It is responsible for handling the business logic, processing data, and communicating with the database. The following are some of the popular backend technologies used in eCommerce app development:


NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime environment used to build server-side applications. It is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and is known for its scalability, performance, and event-driven architecture.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework in the Ruby programming language. It is known for its simplicity, convention over configuration, and rapid development.


Laravel is a popular web app framework written in the PHP programming language. It is known for its expressive syntax, elegant syntax, and modular architecture.

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Database Technologies 

When developing eCommerce apps, choosing the right database technology is crucial as it forms the foundation for the app’s backend architecture. Several database technologies are available, but for eCommerce app development, MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL are the most commonly used ones.


MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that is highly scalable, flexible, and performs well. It is a document-oriented database that stores data in JSON-like documents, making it easy to work with for developers. MongoDB is known for its ability to handle large amounts of unstructured data, which makes it ideal for eCommerce apps with a wide range of product attributes and customer data.


MySQL is a popular open-source relational database widely used in eCommerce app development due to its reliability, scalability, and speed. Its robust set of features makes it a popular choice among developers, including support for transactions, stored procedures, and triggers. Additionally, it has a large and active community of developers who regularly contribute to its development and improvement.


PostgreSQL is another open-source relational database known for its robustness, scalability, and support for advanced features such as table partitioning, full-text search, and JSON data types. It is highly customizable and easily integrated with other technologies, making it an excellent choice for complex eCommerce apps.

Considerations when choosing a Tech Stack 

Project Requirements 

When choosing the right tech stack for developing an eCommerce app, several considerations must be taken into account. The first consideration is the project’s requirements, which means understanding the app’s functionality and features needed to accomplish the desired goals. Each tech stack has its strengths and limitations, and selecting one that aligns with the project requirements is crucial.

Development Team’s Expertise 

The development team’s expertise is another critical factor when selecting a tech stack. If the team has the experience, it can save time and resources, as it reduces the need for extensive training and increases productivity. On the other hand, when the development team is new to a particular tech stack, they will require time to learn it, affecting the project’s timeline.

Budget and Time Constraints 

Budget and time constraints are also crucial factors to consider. Some tech stacks require higher development costs, while others have open-source libraries and can be used without licensing fees. In addition, some tech stacks have more extensive documentation and support than others, making development faster and more efficient.

Future Scalability and Growth

Lastly, future scalability and growth are essential considerations when selecting a tech stack. You need to select a tech stack that can handle future growth and expansion is vital. Thus, you can accommodate future business requirements and growth without requiring extensive re-development.

Examples Of Real-world eCommerce Apps & Web apps 


Amazon Shopping App

This eCommerce giant utilizes a microservices architecture and artificial intelligence to power its platform. Amazon’s front end is built with ReactJS, while the back end is made with a combination of NodeJS and Java. The platform also uses databases such as DynamoDB and Aurora.


Zara App

Zara uses a mobile-first approach and progressive web app (PWA) technology to provide users with a seamless shopping experience. Zara’s PWA allows users to browse products, receive personalized recommendations, and even purchase offline.


Etsy App

Etsy employs Ruby on Rails for its back end and ReactJS for its front end. The platform also utilizes machine learning to provide personalized recommendations and improve search functionality.



Instacart employs a microservices architecture and a combination of NodeJS and ReactJS. The platform also uses machine learning to optimize the delivery process and improve the accuracy of product recommendations.

Wrapping lines

In conclusion, having an eCommerce app is crucial for businesses to succeed in today’s digital age. Therefore, it is essential to carefully consider the tech stack and development team’s expertise to ensure the app’s success. We recommend businesses choose a tech stack that meets their project requirements, budget, and time constraints while providing the necessary scalability for future growth. If you still have doubts, contact us immediately, and our growth strategists will provide the guidance you need.

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