ReactJS and NodeJS Web Application Development: A Perfect Combination

June 27, 2022

NodeJS for web development provides the best value for your product, on the other hand, we have ReactJS helps in making the best User Interface.


When new clients approach us, they often have burning questions, like: Which one should I choose for my project? React or Node? I’ve heard NodeJS is an excellent option for scaling. Can it be paired with React? I need a scalable UI for my web app. Which one’s the better pick, ReactJS or NodeJS? As we’ve been fielding these inquiries left and right, we knew we needed to provide a comprehensive breakdown of NodeJS and React, covering all the nitty-gritty details. So, we decided to pen a dedicated article that addresses these common queries. In this piece, we’ll dive deep and show why using NodeJS with React is a smart move. But before we delve into the meat of the matter, let’s start at square one and lay the foundation.

Understanding ReactJS

Explanation of What ReactJS is

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library used to build user interfaces, particularly web apps. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and efficiently manage the app’s state. Think of ReactJS as the building blocks of your web app, it’s like legos for your code.

How ReactJS Works

ReactJS uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to keep track of changes in the app’s state. When the state of the app changes, ReactJS updates the virtual DOM and then updates the actual DOM only where it’s needed. This approach makes updating the UI faster and more efficient, resulting in a smooth user experience.

Advantages Of Using ReactJS 

Statista states that in 2022, NodeJS surpassed ReactJS as the most utilized web framework among software developers globally. The survey revealed that NodeJS was the choice of 47.12 percent of the respondents, while ReactJS was used by 42.62 percent. According to builtwith, there are more than 16 million live websites developed using React. ReactJS offers several benefits, such as:

Reusability of components

ReactJS allows developers to create reusable components that can be used across different app parts. This makes the development process faster and easier to follow.

Easy to learn

ReactJS has a simple and intuitive API, which makes it easy for developers to pick up and use, even if they are new to the library.

High performance

As mentioned earlier, ReactJS uses a virtual DOM, which makes updating the UI faster and more efficient. This results in a high-performing web app. On the other hand, Angular updates the entire view even if only a small part has changed. This is why companies are choosing React over Angular.

  • Strong developer community

ReactJS has a large and active developer community, which means plenty of resources and tutorials available to help developers learn and troubleshoot issues.

Understanding NodeJS

Explanation of What NodeJS is

NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to run JavaScript on the server side, which means you can use one language for both the front and back ends of your app. It’s like having the best of both worlds.

How NodeJS Works

NodeJS uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it lightweight and efficient. When a request is made to the server, it creates a small unit of execution, called a “thread,” to handle the request. This approach allows NodeJS to manage many requests simultaneously, making it ideal for building high-performance, real-time apps.

Advantages Of Using NodeJS

According to W3Tech, nearly 30 million websites are using NodeJS. It is known for its single-threaded model that eliminates buffering during input/output operations. NodeJS has numerous benefits, including the following:

High performance

As mentioned earlier, NodeJS uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it lightweight and efficient. This results in high-performing web apps.

Use of JavaScript on the server side

NodeJS allows developers to use JavaScript on the server side, which means you can use one language for both the front and back ends of your app. This makes the development process more efficient and less complex.

Large and active developer community

Node has a large and active developer community, which means that there are plenty of resources and tutorials available to help developers learn and troubleshoot issues.

A wide range of modules and packages

NodeJS has a wide range of modules and packages available, which makes it easy for developers to add functionality to their apps.

Is it possible to use NodeJS with React?

It is certainly possible to use NodeJS with React, and in fact, NodeJS is often considered the optimal platform for hosting and running a web server for a React app for several reasons:

  1. NodeJS allows for easy package management through its built-in Node Package Manager (NPM), which enables developers to easily install any package via the NPM Command Line Interface (CLI).
  2. It also provides a convenient way to bundle a React app into a single file for easy compilation using webpack and other Nodejs modules.

Additionally, using NodeJS to host and run your web server also offers several benefits:

  • NodeJS utilizes the V8 engine, known for its speed and efficiency, to handle bulk requests through callback functions, ensuring quality and quantity of service.
  • NodeJS and React are JavaScript languages that can be executed on both the client and server sides.
  • Developers can execute Reactjs code directly within the NodeJS environment, allowing seamless integration between the two technologies.
  • React DOM provides components specifically designed to work with NodeJS, reducing the amount of code needed for server-side rendering and making the process comparatively simple.

In short, utilizing NodeJS in conjunction with React is an efficient and effective way to build web apps, providing ReactJS developers with an array of benefits and simplifying the development process.

Top Reasons to Use NodeJS with React

Using Reactjs with Nodejs for web app development

NodeJS is not required in the backend to run a React app, but it is often used for its convenience and benefits.

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, whereas NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime that allows developers to run JavaScript on the server side. React can be used with various backend technologies, such as PHP, Python, Ruby, and more.

Some several conditions and reasons that may make NodeJS and ReactJS a suitable choice for web app development are:


With NodeJS and React, developers can create data-driven, robust, scalable, and dynamic web apps. Scalability is crucial when working on major projects and ensuring that your website’s performance is maintained.

Real-time Data 

Whether you are building a real-time data management app or a streaming app, NodeJS is a viable solution as it allows you to maintain an ongoing server connection. NodeJS is known for its ability to handle real-time data and apps, such as chat and gaming apps, thanks to its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.

Boost ROI with React & NodeJS without Sacrificing Time

React and NodeJS combine beautifully to help you achieve rapid development. In addition to its code reuse and cross-platform interoperability, the combination is an ideal platform for developing websites that can be up and running quickly.


Creating JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) APIs for web development is made more efficient due to the code reuse and instant code sharing provided by ReactJS. NodeJS can effectively facilitate this process.

Maximized Use Of JavaScript 

Using NodeJS with React allows for the full potential of JavaScript to be utilized for building both front-end and back-end codes. This provides more flexibility and convenience when building websites or web apps, as NodeJS developers can use one language for all aspects of the project. It makes the development process more streamlined and efficient.

SPAs (Single Page Apps) 

If your business requires a single-page app with asynchronous data loading, then using React with a Nodejs backend is an appropriate choice. This allows for creating a lightweight backend model using callback functions, making it well-suited for handling complex and dynamic user interactions.

Handling High Server Load 

The combination of NodeJS and React allows for balancing high server requests and load when developers work on web app development. Nodejs is known for its ability to handle a large number of requests simultaneously thanks to its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, and ReactJS is known for its ability to handle dynamic user interactions and real-time updates without page reloading. This combination can handle high server load, resulting in a smooth and efficient user experience.

Best Practices For Combining ReactJS & NodeJS

When using ReactJS and NodeJS together, there are several best practices that developers should keep in mind to ensure a smooth and efficient development process:

  1. Use a common file structure: A consistent file structure makes navigating and maintaining your code easier. It also makes it easier for multiple developers to work on the same project.
  2. Use a package manager: Use a package manager such as npm or yarn to manage dependencies and avoid version conflicts. This will also make it easier to install and update packages.
  3. Use a build tool: Use a build tool such as webpack to bundle your React app into a single file for easy compilation. This will also make it easier to optimize and minify your code for production.
  4. Use a linter: Use a linter such as ESLint to ensure that your code adheres to a specific code style and to catch potential errors early on.
  5. Use a testing framework: Use a testing framework such as Jest to test your React components and NodeJS routes, which will help you catch bugs early on and ensure your app is working as expected.
  6. Use a state management library: Use a state management library such as Redux or MobX to manage the state of your app. This will make it easier to manage and update the state of your app, making the development process more efficient.

How to handle data in a ReactJS and NodeJS Web App

There are several ways to manage data:

  1. Use a database: Use a database such as MongoDB or MySQL to store and retrieve data. This allows for easy data management and querying.
  2. Use an API: Use an API such as REST or GraphQL to access and manage data. This allows for easy communication between the front end and back end.
  3. Use state management libraries: Use state management libraries such as Redux or MobX to manage the state of your app. This allows for easy management and updates on the state of your app.

How to handle routing in a ReactJS and NodeJS web app 

There are several ways to handle routing:

  1. Use React Router: React Router handles routing on the front end. This allows for easy handling of client-side routing.
  2. Use Express Router: Use Express Router to handle routing on the back end. This allows for easy handling of server-side routing.
  3. Use a combination of both: Use a combination of React Router and Express Router to handle routing on both the front-end and back-end. This allows for easy handling of client-side and server-side routing and enables a seamless user navigation experience.

And that’s the takeaway

If you’re considering using React with NodeJS, you better brush up on your NPM skills. Knowing how to code in a Node environment is essential if you want to add a backend to your React project. React, and Node makes a powerful pair; they can take your project to new heights. Just look at some big players like Netflix and PayPal; they’ve used Node and seen massive performance improvements. So, are you ready to boost your web development by combining React and Node? Contact us, and let’s get your project off the ground in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to combine Node and ReactJS in my project?

Yes, you certainly can. React is a front-end library that allows you to create user interfaces. NodeJS, on the other hand, allows you to create back-end REST APIs that are both quick and scalable.

How can a mix of React and NodeJS benefit clients?

As the website made using ReactJS and NodeJS is highly Maintainable, Fast, SEO friendly, and Scalable which will benefit clients in long run.

Does NodeJS have to be used in every ReactJS project?

When developing ReactJS front-end applications, you don’t always need to utilize NodeJS. Node is a server-side runtime environment, whereas ReactJS allows you to build user interfaces for online and mobile apps. However, using these two on your web project is a perfect combination.


Jinesh Shah



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