Benefits of Mobile App Animation for User Experience

September 2, 2022

Mobile apps are becoming more minimalistic nowadays and app animations are playing a very huge part in improving the user experience, find out more benefits of Mobile app animation to improve User Experience.


“Good Design is Obvious, Great Design is Transparent”

-Joe Sparano

You have probably heard this saying and may have found it quite vague. But on the contrary, it has a powerful meaning. Clients today want simple, direct, and user-friendly goods and services. And obviously, it needs to be aesthetically pleasing. The same focus is applied when creating an intuitive mobile app user experience.

When users find animation, it fosters a sense of well-being in human-centered design, where the user is the primary priority. These animations give an app dynamism and liveliness along with users’ emotional responses. As a designer, understanding how invisible animations are is just as crucial as developing animations themselves. Because you need to make something that is both human-like and functional.

Table of Contents

Mobile App Animation: What is it?

The significant components of your UI/UX design approach for mobile apps are animations, which give fluid screen transitioning, increase friendliness, guide users through the app with convenience, and do a lot more. With the help of a top-notch UI UX design agency, your end-users can interact with your application more effectively by incorporating suitable animations adequately.

Why Must You Include Animations in the Interface?

It takes more than eye-catching effects and a simple user interface to beat off your rivals, especially if they have been in business for a long time and have amassed a sizable customer base. Even a well-designed interface could appear confusing to certain people without animation, making them feel as though they are performing actions outside of any kind of context. 

The look and feel of an app are improved with animations. The user experience is made more palpable and more immersive by connecting animations to audio and sensory responses, which is a typical method that lowers the cognitive load. The brain retains all connections inside an application faster and takes less time to acquire background information when a user receives “feedback” from the app immediately following a specific action.

Because customers don’t know the product and do not see it the same way that its creators do, context and user guidance are essential for any mobile app. Even if the screens are not connected, animations might divert users’ attention from one to the other. No user will ever feel lost when accessing your application this way.

A well-designed and user-friendly login page with clear guidance and intuitive animations can ensure that customers feel comfortable and confident accessing your app, even if they are not familiar with the product.

Types of Animations 

The contemporary user interface uses two types of animation:

  1. Functional
  2. Delightful

Functional animation is a kind of understated animation that we use in UI designs. The purpose of functional animation is to make it easier for the user to comprehend what is happening and how to use your app efficiently.

User emotional responses are the main focus of delightful animation. This kind of animation aims to amuse the viewer while incorporating a brand’s ideals into a product.

Functional Animation

Users can enjoy a functional animation that explains how the software functions. It tells the brand story along with the app’s usability and creates a user journey. It is expected to:

  • Create logical transitions
  • furnish visual proof
  • Display system status 
  • Assist the user in the beginning

Delightful Animation

We are hearing and using the term “delight” more frequently to describe enjoyable experiences in our products. The allure of delight is what makes us fawn over a product. Its fundamental goal is to pursue this while creating an app. Additionally, animation can contribute to a genuinely enjoyable and memorable user experience.

It is expected to:

  • Demonstrate Polish
  • Reward the User
  • Bring personality and humanity to the app.
  • Entertain users

Benefits of Mobile App Animations

An exclusive interface

Creating animations that are tailored to your product can help you provide a seamless experience to your customers. It assists in matching user interests, preferences, and choices while also delivering maximum desired outcomes with minimal effort.

Reduces cognitive load

In UX design, cognitive load refers to the mental preparation power required to use a product. When the amount of data that can be collected outpaces the user’s capacity to tackle it, the overall user-friendliness of the product deteriorates, which we call cognitive overload.

By focusing the user’s attention on essential information, animation can reduce cognitive load. The use of text highlights can help highlight relevant details in a text copy. A guide can motivate people to take a step forward, show how to navigate an app, inform them when an action has been completed, and many other things. To unlock all the features of an app, you can use animated texts, navigation micro-interactions, and animated heroes.

Enhanced screen space

Messages or promotions can be displayed more efficiently by moving banners within an app. This allows you to conveniently display all of your promotions and offers in a small amount of space. Moreover, by adding multiple options under one single menu or list you offer the sense of freedom to choose what users want along with the reduction in screen space.


One of the primary advantages of implementing animations into your app is that your application will be more convenient and usable. Users can more seamlessly perceive the formatting and engage with it. They also receive accurate feedback about their app actions.

Things to consider when implementing animations

  1. Create a mobile UI animation that solves the problems of your target audience.
  2. Every element of your animated graphics should have a purpose.
  3. Create an animation that reflects real-life movements to make your product stand out.
  4. It is imperative to consult with developers throughout the entire process of developing an app because their code affects its design.

Keep a long-term perspective

Maintain an easy and user-friendly interactive experience. Think about this: is it conceptualized and visually appealing, is the animation annoying on the hundredth use (or is it an alluring aspect of the app?). If an app does not appealingly demonstrate its world-class services, it won’t be favored by the general public. An app’s UX design can be greatly impacted by an animation if it is done properly. It can transform a static digital product into a dynamic experience that keeps your users returning. How well your app serves the customer determines its success. Hence, mobile app animation can help you improve it. To do the same, you can also contact us to use our mobile app development services.


Jinesh Shah



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