How Outstanding Health Apps Are Built

August 5, 2022

Businesses today can get the advantage of this trend of healthy lifestyle apps. In this era of Web3 and NFTs, we tend to forget that health is after all that we ourselves have to look after.


Since the outbreak of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, mobile apps have been flexing their muscles and proving just how handy they can be for users and app makers. According to Statista, the digital health market was valued at a whopping 175 billion dollars globally in 2019. And with a projected growth rate of a jaw-dropping 25 percent from 2019 to 2025, it’s expected to balloon to a staggering 660 billion dollars by 2025. Health and fitness apps have been sprouting up like weeds, branching into various fields, from social medicine and contact tracing to creating tight-knit sports communities where people can share their athletic journeys. A fantastic app is just the ticket to keep tabs on all the important stuff. That’s why this article will give you the rundown on creating amazing health apps with some of the finest examples out there. Are you ready to dive in? 

Health Apps: What Are They?

Health Apps are mobile applications designed to help individuals maintain or improve their overall health and well-being. These apps often include features such as meal planning and tracking, physical activity tracking, sleep monitoring, water intake tracking, and stress management tools. They provide users with tools and resources to help them make healthier lifestyle choices and meet their health and wellness goals.

What Are the Common Types of Health Apps?

There are several types of health apps, including:

Fitness Tracking Apps

These apps track physical activity, such as steps taken, calories burned, and workout routines. Examples include MyFitnessPal, Nike Training Club, and Fitbit.

Nutrition and Diet Apps

These apps help users plan and track their meals, monitor their water intake, and manage their weight. Examples include LoseIt!, MyPlate by Livestrong, and Noom.

Sleep-tracking Apps

These apps help users monitor their sleep patterns, track their bedtime routines, and improve the quality of their sleep. Examples include Sleep Cycle, Pillow, and Calm.

Mental Health and Wellness Apps

These apps provide users with tools and resources to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Examples include Headspace, Calm, and Talkspace.

Women’s Health Apps

These apps cater specifically to the health needs of women, including period tracking, pregnancy, and fertility. Examples include Clue, Flo, and Ovia.

Chronic Disease Management Apps

These apps help individuals manage chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Examples include Glooko, MySugr, and Blood Pressure Monitor.

Sport-specific App

Apps like Runtastic are exclusively dedicated to measuring cardiovascular activity (running, cycling). For other sports, you’ll need a different product. But, with all-in-one programs, you can choose from a wide range of sports activities.

Understanding Your Target Audience to Develop a Health App

When it comes to creating a health app, it’s crucial to know your target audience inside and out. Here’s what you need to consider:

Demographic Information

This is all about the who’s who of your crowd. What’s their age range? Where do they live? What’s their gender? What’s their income? This information will help you understand who your app is for and tailor it to their needs.

User Needs & Expectations

This is all about what your people want and needs from your app. What are their goals? What kind of features are they looking for? What do they need to feel motivated? Understanding these needs and expectations will help you create an app that will resonate with your target audience.

Pain Points & Challenges

This is all about the aches, pains, and struggles your target audience faces while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. What are their biggest hurdles? What makes it difficult for them to stick to their goals? Understanding these pain points and challenges will help you create an app that addresses these issues and allows users to overcome them.

How can you get the data you need for your health app?

There are several ways to gather information about your target audience, including:

Surveys and Questionnaires

You can conduct surveys and questionnaires to gather information about your target audience’s demographic information, needs, expectations, and pain points. You can use tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to create and distribute the surveys.

Focus Groups

You can organize focus groups to gather information about your target audience’s needs, expectations, and pain points. This allows you to interact with your target audience and get a more in-depth understanding of their experiences.

Competitor Analysis

You can analyze your competitors’ apps and websites to understand their target audience and what they’re offering.

Social Media Listening

You can monitor social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to see what your target audience is talking about, what they’re interested in, and what their pain points are.

Analytics Tools

You can use analytics tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and Flurry to gather data on how people are using your app, what features they’re using, and how they’re interacting with your app.

Must-have Features for a Health App

For a health app to be a hit, it must have features that resonate with the target audience. Here’s a rundown of the must-have features that users expect:

Smooth Sailing Sign-Up

No one wants to be bogged down by a complicated registration process. Make it quick and easy for users to sign up, with a minimum number of required fields. Bonus points if you let them log in through popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Social Media Integration

In the age of social media, leaving out the social aspect of a health app would be a huge mistake. People love to communicate and show off their accomplishments, so tap into that human tendency to your advantage. Encourage users to share, communicate with friends, and interact with other users to keep them engaged and coming back for more.

Go Anywhere, Use Any Device 

To maximize user satisfaction, health apps must be accessible on any device, including smartphones, tablets, and even desktops. This means the app needs to utilize cloud storage for data and have a team of skilled developers to ensure seamless data exchange and protection of personal information.

Reminders at Your Fingertips 

Push notifications are a must-have for successful apps and can boost engagement and time spent in the app. For health apps, push notifications can serve as reminders for workouts, meal times, and other important events.

Design Matters 

A user-friendly design and easy-to-use interface are crucial for health app success. This is where the skills of a talented designer and UX specialist come in. The designer will choose the right colors, backgrounds, buttons, fonts, and more to avoid eye strain. Meanwhile, the UX specialist will make sure the overall app experience is convenient and seamless.

Setting Targets 

The primary objective of most health apps is to assist users in achieving measurable and quantifiable results for their bodies. Setting goals should be straightforward and clear-cut as users set their desired outcomes.

Tracking Progress 

Sports are all about numbers. Whether it’s reps, sets, calories, distance, or weight, everything can be counted, and it’s what fitness enthusiasts are keen on. Identify the metrics that the app should and can track and be sure to include such functionality in it.

Sleep Monitoring

Let’s catch some z’s! – that’s what your app should be helping its users do. By monitoring their sleep patterns, the app can provide insights into sleep quality and help users get the most out of their slumber. It’s like a personal sleep coach that can snooze the alarm for a few more minutes of sweet dreams.

Water Intake Tracking

 Drink up, mate! – staying hydrated is crucial for a healthy lifestyle, and your app can help keep tabs on how much H2O is consumed. Users can set their own hydration goals and track their progress. This feature is like having a virtual water bottle that never runs dry!

Stress Management Tools

Take a deep breath and relax! – life can be stressful, but your app can provide users with the tools they need to manage it. Whether guided meditations, breathing exercises, or mood tracking, the app can help users find their zen and stay calm under pressure. It’s like having a personal therapist in your pocket!

Design & User Experience of Healthcare App

When building a health app, design, and user experience play a crucial role in making it a hit with users. Here’s how to make your app look and feel like a dream come true:

User-Friendly Interface

Make your app easy peasy to navigate. No one wants to feel lost in a labyrinth of buttons and options. Keep it simple and straightforward, like a clear blue sky.

Visual Appeal 

A picture is worth a thousand words, and so is a good-looking app. Hire UX/UI designers to sprinkle magic dust on your app and make it visually appealing. A good design can keep users hooked, like a good movie.

Interactivity & Personalization 

Make your app feel like a custom-made suit. Personalize it to the user’s preferences, let them choose the color scheme and fonts, and make it interactive like a good conversation. This way, users will feel at home and keep coming back for more.

Healthcare App Technology Stack and Platforms

Developing a health app is a task that requires lots of planning and strategizing. One important aspect that needs consideration is the technology stack and platforms for the app.

Choosing the Right Technology Stack for Health App

When choosing the right technology stack for your health app, there are several factors to consider. Here are some of the key things to keep in mind:

  • Scalability: Choose a technology stack that can easily accommodate growth and scaling as your user base grows.
  • Security: Security is vital for any app. Choose a technology stack with robust security features to protect user data.
  • Performance: Your app should be fast, reliable, and responsive
  • Compatibility: Your technology stack should be compatible with different devices and platforms to ensure maximum reach.
  • Cost: Choose a technology stack that fits within your budget.

Some popular technology stacks for health apps include React Native, Swift, Kotlin, and Node.js.

Native vs. Cross-Platform App Development for Health Apps

When it comes to developing a health app, you have the option of choosing between native and cross-platform development. Here’s a brief overview of each option:

  • Native App development: This involves developing an app for a specific platform, such as iOS or Android. Native apps offer the best performance and can leverage all the platform’s features. However, they can be more expensive and time-consuming to develop.
  • Cross-platform App development: This involves developing an app that can run on multiple platforms using a single codebase. Cross-platform apps can be more cost-effective and faster to develop, but they may not offer the same level of performance as native apps.

When deciding between native and cross-platform development, consider your budget, timeline, and performance requirements.

Choose The Right Technology Partner for your App

If you collaborate with an experienced technology vendor, the development of your health app can be seamless and without risks. It is advisable to ask for the portfolio of your app developers and to be informed about the previous projects they have executed for the healthcare, sports, and medical industries.

Monetization Strategies for Health App

For health apps to remain sustainable and profitable, developers need to devise monetization strategies that work. Here are three of the most common ways to monetize a health and fitness app:

In-App Purchases

In-app purchases refer to selling virtual products or services within the app. Here are some examples of how in-app purchases can be used to monetize a health app:

  • Users can purchase premium features or additional content within the app, such as personalized workout plans or meal plans.
  • Users can purchase virtual goods, such as badges, trophies, or in-game currency, to incentivize behavior and increase engagement.
  • Users can purchase one-time or recurring packages, such as a 3-month workout plan or a 1-year diet program.

Subscription-Based Model

Subscription-based models charge users a recurring fee to access premium content or features. Here are some examples of how subscription-based models can be used to monetize a health app:

  • Users can pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee to access personalized workout plans, meal plans, or coaching services.
  • Users can pay a fee to access premium content, such as exclusive workout videos or healthy recipes.
  • Users can unlock additional features or tools by subscribing to a premium version of the app.


Advertising can be a powerful way to monetize a health app, especially if the app has a large user base. Here are some examples of how advertising can be used to monetize a health app:

  • The app can display banner ads, interstitial ads, or native ads within the app.
  • The app can use sponsored content, such as sponsored articles, to promote healthy products or services.
  • The app can offer promotional deals or discounts on healthy products or services in exchange for advertising fees.

It’s important to remember that the monetization strategy that works best for your app will depend on various factors, including your target audience, the features and content you offer, and the current market trends.

Here are some recent trends in health app development:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Health and fitness apps are leveraging AI to create personalized user experiences by analyzing data such as diet and fitness history.

Wearables Integration

Integration with wearable fitness devices is becoming increasingly common to provide real-time tracking and monitoring of vital signs and physical activities.


Health and fitness apps use game elements such as points, rewards, and challenges to motivate users to stick to their goals.

Social Connectivity

Encouraging community building and social interaction through shared goals and progress-tracking features.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality 

The innovative use of VR and AR technologies is being explored to enhance user experience and provide immersive workout experiences.

Coaching Goes Digital

Fitness coaching programs have now gone digital through a website or an app. Users are all in on this trend because they can easily fit it into their day-to-day life without worrying about scheduling conflicts. Plus, they can track their progress with the help of trackers. 


MyFitnessPal app

This app allows users to track their daily food intake and exercise with a database of over 11 million foods. It also provides personalized insights and recommendations based on the user’s goals. It is available for Android and iOS devices. Users can use it for free if they only want to track nutrition intake. Although other features like guided fitness plans, food analysis, custom dashboard, etc. will be available for premium users only.

Available on: Android and iOS

Price: The premium membership is available for $9.99 a month or $49.99 for the year


HeadSpace App

This app offers guided meditation sessions to reduce stress and improve focus. It has different programs for different levels of experience and can be used for specific purposes like falling asleep or managing anxiety. 

Available on: iOS and Android devices.

Price: After your free trial, the annual subscription is $69.99 USD and automatically renews each year.


Fitbit App UI

Fitbit is a fitness tracker that can monitor activities such as steps taken, calories burned, and sleep patterns. It also includes features for setting goals, tracking progress, and social sharing.

Available on: iOS and Android devices.

Price:The monthly subscription is $ 9.99 And annual subscription is $79.99. 

Nike Training Club

Nike Fitness App

This app offers a variety of workouts, ranging from bodyweight exercises to targeted strength training. It also includes videos and audio instructions and the ability to create personalized workout plans.

Available on: iOS and Android devices.

Price: It is free for use and users get access to over 190 fitness-related videos.

Plant Nanny 

Plant Nanny app UI

This app encourages users to drink more water by gamifying the process. It features a cute plant avatar that grows as the user drinks more water, with reminders and achievements to help them stay motivated.

Available on: iOS and Android devices.

Price: It has an annual subscription of $75.

Summing Up

Developing a health and fitness app becomes effortless when you partner with a nearby technology-savvy vendor. ultroNeous is a well-known mobile and web app development company that specializes in providing solutions for the medical and fitness domains. Additionally, we are willing to provide personal consultations and share our valuable knowledge, so do not hesitate to contact us.


Jinesh Shah



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