10 Deadly Mobile App Development Mistakes That Can Cost You Thousands

August 10, 2022

The number of apps in the Apple App Store and Google Play store has grown so fast that the process of finding, downloading, and using a mobile app has become somewhat overwhelming. Here is a list of the top ten app mistakes you should never make.


Let’s face it. App development is not an easy task. When you want to develop something innovative and have genuine users’ interest at heart, you want a refined product. And it is no mystery that development comes with its own slips. The software apps industry is gaining a lot of traction.

In assertion, many now view them as a goldmine due to the enormous profit they provide. Although, a large number of apps get uninstalled after one use. The reason behind this is the deadly mistakes done by clients and app developers. We have curated 10 of these mistakes. You can successfully establish your app to become the dependable revenue stream you’ve always wished for by avoiding these typical missteps throughout development.

Let’s go over them one by one!

Insufficient research on the needs of users

Definitely a big mistake. By not doing enough research on what your target audience needs and wants, you are heading your project to failure. Extensive and comprehensive user research is the bedrock of a successful mobile application. And especially when you are investing a great deal into it, it is better to proceed slowly and steadily. You should conduct market research to develop insights into what functionalities users need in the app and what other aspects they might want to have. In addition, you must guarantee the accuracy of your findings. 

A distinct user persona, objectives, and behavioral tendencies must be identified by effective user research. To develop an innovative product, you must also be aware of what the competitor is already doing. This supports your idea’s validity and assures you that you will have a sizable user base.

Lack of research when hiring a mobile app development company

As you know, there are different mobile apps to serve various purposes such as financial apps, healthcare apps, real-estate apps, educational apps, eCommerce apps, on-demand apps, and so on. In the same way, every mobile app development company is different. So choosing an adept mobile app development team may sound like an uphill task. When you keep certain points in mind like your budget, the scope, the platforms, and the use of your application in mind, you will find it much easier to determine which app development companies will meet your needs.

An inefficient budget management

This is another fatal mistake that can end up costing you more than you can imagine. Getting a rough estimate of the cost of your app right from the start is essential. Create a detailed cost structure before initiating the development. 

Set realistic budget expectations by taking into consideration the below-listed factors.

  • Initial development
  • Feature list
  • Design elements
  • Integrations
  • Updates 

When you want to put your best foot forward, you need to make room for unexpected costs. Keep the miscellaneous expenses in mind to get ready for a customizable project. Adhere to your budget when it comes to critical stages of development.

Getting carried away with features

As app development and technology seem cool, adding new features is tempting. Cramming your app with a lot of features will negatively affect it. Remember that a complicated app is not just frustrating for users, but also more challenging to sell. However, you should consider whether new features are really worth it. Leaving out features that do not add value to the app is a smart idea. Having a clear vision of your product is vital for removing irrelevant features from your app.  Also, it will not take long for you to identify areas where universal functionalities can be built if your development team has clearly defined targets and goals.

Designing a subpar app appearance

Bad UX/UI is one of the dominant reasons behind the uninstallation of apps. When people open an app, they have particular hopes. What users want and need is a smoother and more engaging experience. Their journey to solve the query should be quick, easy, and to the point. Take inspiration from the most successful and popular apps on the market today. From any screen, these apps have seamless navigation, a search function, and a home menu. Often, developers get extravagant with UI, which negatively impacts the user experience. Stick to what works instead of trying to win the race for the most innovative home page design. Prioritizing user experience and the interface is the only way to win customers’ hearts and save money.

Not choosing the right platform

Naturally, you’d want to develop your app separately for iOS and Android, as that would get you the most users. Even though that may be true, simultaneously developing apps for both platforms will significantly increase costs. One of the effective approaches here would be to focus on a single platform first and select the operating system that your users tend to use. Android holds the majority of the worldwide market share, but in countries such as the United States and Japan, iOS is the preferred choice. In-app purchases are also much more common among iOS users.

Cross-platform development is another option you might wish to consider, which involves creating one application for both platforms using the same codebase. By eliminating the need to create separate iOS and Android apps, you will be able to save some valuable time and money. You should, however, keep in mind that native app development is the better option if platform-specific features are important to you.

Performing inadequate tests

A glitch-free app is everything to a user. In the earlier days of the app’s release, it is critical to have an app that retains its users by performing flawlessly. A favorable first impression can only be achieved by testing an app across a range of devices, in addition to simple testing. As well as improving the user experience, it’s the only way to fix any bugs or problems. Additionally, it is imperative that app testing should be done by a professional testing team. Then, your app will be ready for release.

Ignoring the Marketing aspect

Even the best mobile app can’t sell itself. Apps’ features and performance determine their success in many ways. However, a product without a strategic marketing plan will eventually fail. Marketing your app is essential for acquiring new users and sustaining its profitability. Pre-launch and post-launch marketing strategies are essential for app marketing success. Most pre-launch marketing strategies include market research, engagement with your target audience, and branding. To generate organic traffic, you should use App Store Optimization (ASO) after launching your app. Additionally, consider paid advertising and referrals as promotional methods.

Neglecting User Feedback

Never let any user feedback slip. Ultimately, this app is being developed for the general public. It is therefore crucial that they have a say in what they prefer in the app. They simply would not use it otherwise. 

The only way out of this terrifying scenario is through continuous iteration of user feedback. What needs to be changed in the app should be based on what the users want. It is easy for app developers to build loyal customers by paying close attention to the feedback they receive from users.

Emphasizing Downloads Instead of Retention

Mobile app success is often measured by the number of app downloads within industry circles. Nevertheless, this is just the beginning. An app’s success is not always determined by its download rate. The cost of acquiring new users is already high for many brands. A lot of marketing costs could be saved if you consider user retention equally. Existing app users can be a potential source of massive Return on Investment (ROI) if properly engaged.

The loyalty of a customer stretches beyond repeat purchases. They also provide valuable feedback and genuine word-of-mouth advertising for your brand.


The process of creating an app can frequently be tedious and time-consuming. Producers will undoubtedly make some blunders along the process that could hinder the app’s success. Typical erroneous development techniques usually involve ignoring user retention metrics, not hiring the leading app development company, and having poor knowledge of users’ interests. We believe this thorough list will help in a big way toward positioning your product for success.


Jinesh Shah



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