Avoid These Mistakes When Hiring Remote Developers

March 1, 2023

Avoid the mistakes and challenges hiring managers face when looking to hire remote developers. Read more to find out.


Hiring a remote developer is like getting swept up in a whirlwind romance – getting caught up in the excitement of working with someone on a contract basis is easy. You might be thinking about the heaps of cash you could save by hiring someone overseas rather than at home. Or, maybe the idea of having someone on your team who can work from anywhere in the world has hooked you. But hold your horses! Before you start scouring the corners of the earth for web developers, there are a few things you need to take care of if you want to make sure your relationship with your new employee lasts.

Companies worldwide have noticed that flexibility and work-life balance are vital for business growth. The technology market is on the rise. The IT consulting and implementation services market generated a total of 57.02 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. Approximately 82.44 billion U.S. dollars in revenue is expected to be generated by 2027, according to Statista’s Technology Market Outlook. It sounds promising; however, bringing on board an international remote worker can be tricky, as there may be many challenges to overcome to find the best person for the job. Here are a few challenges that every manager has faced while hiring remote developers.

The Challenges of Hiring Remote Software Developers

Hiring remote developers can offer many advantages, such as flexibility, access to a broader pool of talent, and cost savings. But everything comes with its own set of unique challenges. Below are the top challenges organizations face when hiring remote developers:

Finding The Right Fit for Your Project

  • With remote hiring, it can be challenging to gauge a candidate’s personality, work ethic, and communication skills compared to traditional hiring methods.
  • It’s important to ensure that the developer from a top mobile app development company has the necessary skills and experience for the job and fits the company culture.

Lack of Face-to-face Interaction with the Team

  • No face-to-face interaction can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection from the team. And you may not establish a bond with remote hires.
  • It is also difficult to provide feedback and guidance without the ability to observe the employee’s work in person.

Trust & Accountability Issues in Team

  1. Remote work relies heavily on trust and accountability. Managers may have a hard time trusting that their remote hires are working as expected, especially if they are located in different time zones or have irregular working hours.
  2. Remote hires may also feel a lack of accountability if they do not have a manager physically present to oversee their work.

Communication Barriers Between Managers and Developers

  • Communication issues may arise when working with remote hires due to potential language barriers, cultural differences, and differing communication styles.
  • Remote hires may also feel disconnected from the team if communication is not clear and consistent.

Managing Time Zone Differences for Developers

  • Time zone differences can make coordinating schedules challenging and lead to delays in communication and project completion.
  • Remote hires may need to work outside of traditional working hours to accommodate different time zones, which can lead to issues with work-life balance.

8 Crucial Mistakes and Conflicts While Hiring Remote Developers

We have listed down major mistakes which you can avoid while hiring remote developers for your project.

Hiring Software Developer Based On Comfort & First Impressions

Due to the 2020 pandemic, companies are now forced to hire remote developers and adapt to the remote working lifestyle. But don’t be fooled by a candidate’s fancy degree or impressive-looking CV. These things don’t always reflect their true abilities, and relying solely on them can be a big mistake when hiring remote programmers. 

So, what should you do instead? Well, for starters, don’t be afraid to put candidates to the test. Ask for examples of their work and put them through a rigorous interview process. This will help you better understand who they are, how they work, and whether they fit your team.

Another common mistake is rushing into an interview without doing your due diligence. Make sure you have the right ask the right questions to evaluate their ability to produce quality work and meet deadlines. It’s also important to understand their work habits and communication skills. 

And finally, consider offering a paid trial period rather than a long-term contract. This will allow you to see if they’re genuinely committed to the job and can deliver the results. So do your homework and find the right fit for your team.

Not Conducting A Proper Evaluation on Developers

When it comes to hiring developers, credentials aren’t everything. You need to put your candidates to the test and see what they’re really made of. But here’s the thing: not all tryouts are created equal. It’s important to balance challenging your candidates and ensuring the test is relevant to the job.

And don’t forget; that top-notch developers are in high demand, so they won’t waste their time on irrelevant or overly long tests. So, make sure your tryouts are efficient and respect their time.

While finding the most qualified candidate, you don’t want to discourage or turn off potential hires. By showing that you value their time and expertise, you’ll make your company more attractive to top talent. 

The Lack Of Preparation For Remote Work

Don’t forget to prepare your remote employees for success! Yes, just because they’re skilled professionals doesn’t mean they’re automatically equipped to handle remote work. Employers must ensure employees have the right environment to be productive. As an employer, you can set your remote employees up for success by providing them with a well-equipped workspace and access to collaboration and communication tools.

Consider giving your remote employees a budget for office equipment, like a monitor, Wi-Fi, and noise-canceling headphones, to help them stay focused and productive. Coworking spaces are also an excellent option for remote workers who need a professional environment to work in. Also, ensure your remote employees have a reliable internet connection with sufficient speed to meet their work needs. These steps will set your remote employees up for success and help your business thrive.

Provide No Support For New Remote Software Developers To Adjust

No support to new remote software developers

Managing a remote team involves more than just technology and operations – leadership plays a big role too. When it comes to helping new remote employees adjust, there are a few things you can do to help them acclimate to your team more quickly:

Firstly, offer time management tips. New employees tend to say yes to everything and may struggle to prioritize tasks or manage their time efficiently. Help them by providing time management tips, including training and resources they can review independently. When it comes to managing an offshore IT team, providing time management tips is crucial, especially for new employees who may struggle to prioritize tasks or manage their time efficiently while working remotely.

Additionally, consider assigning them an experienced manager who can guide managing their workload, setting goals and expectations, and adapting to the remote work environment. With a bit of support and guidance, new remote employees can become valuable members of your team in no time!

Micromanaging Software Developers

Micro managing work of remote developers

Refrain from assuming that all remote developers are happy being micromanaged. Remote employees have the exact needs of any other worker, such as recognition and support. Hiring remote developers may not be worth the savings or convenience without these things. So, balancing giving them independence and offering support and appreciation is crucial.

Cultural Differences Causing Communication Problems

Different cultures may cause the problem with remote work culture

Culture can significantly impact how people communicate, which is often overlooked. Different countries have their communication styles, which can lead to difficulties in remote teams understanding each other. For example, Americans tend to be more direct, while Spanish speakers prefer using hints. Brazilians ask questions with multiple implied meanings, and Germans prefer speaking in short bursts.

Hiring remote developers is important for the right reasons to avoid making the same mistakes as others, not just for convenience or cost-saving. You should also remember that remote developers have limits and can’t work around the clock. Additionally, even if they understand English, they may still have trouble communicating if it’s not their native language.

Hiring remote developers can be challenging, but you can build productive and profitable relationships by recognizing cultural differences and respecting your team’s humanity.

Meetings & Schedule Conflicts

Meeting schedule can conflict with remote working

It’s easy to make assumptions about someone’s availability when you can’t physically see them, but beware of jumping to conclusions.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Just because it’s convenient for you, don’t assume someone will be available at a particular time.
  • Different teams, projects, and cultures may have different expectations of availability, so don’t assume everyone shares the same schedule.
  • Remember that not everyone works the same hours as you do, especially when you’re in different time zones.
  • Finally, no one is available 24/7, so don’t assume that you can contact them at any time of the day or night.

Remember these tips, and you’ll avoid making unnecessary assumptions about your remote team’s availability. After all, it’s better to ask and confirm someone’s availability than to assume and risk creating misunderstandings or frustration.

Inability to Improve Remote Hiring Practices

Just like fashion, remote hiring practices can go out of style. Don’t get stuck in the past – stay up to date with the latest trends! Remote work constantly evolves, so it’s important to watch the latest developments and adjust your hiring practices accordingly. As the world changes, so do the needs and expectations of remote workers. By staying flexible and open-minded, you’ll be able to attract and retain top talent in the ever-changing landscape of remote work. So don’t be afraid to switch things up and try new approaches – your remote team will thank you for it!

Example Of Successful Remote Hiring

The case of Know your Customer. An Australian company that offered every service/goods provider across numerous professions the ability to review their clients on different parameters. Such as how they supported the whole procedure, how their behavior was, and how prompt they were about the payment after the job was well done. This company needed to launch its app and soon turned to ultroNeous to achieve its business goals. By hiring remote developers, they built their MVP app using Flutter and launched it in just 100 days.

That’s the takeaway

In a nutshell, hiring remote developers can be a smart move for your team, but it’s important to provide them with the right resources and support to ensure their success. If you’re interested in hiring remote developers and need help finding the right candidates, don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance. We specialize in connecting businesses with top-tier remote developers who have the skills and experience needed to take your team to the next level. So why wait? Reach out to us today and let us help you find your next remote team member, contact us or drop an email at [email protected] now!

Frequently Asked Questions For Remote Hiring (FAQs)

What are the advantages of hiring remote developers?

Remote hiring can offer many benefits, including access to a wider pool of talent, cost savings, and flexibility. Remote workers can work from anywhere in the world, eliminating geographical limitations, and can provide various skill sets to your company. Moreover, remote workers are generally more productive, have higher job satisfaction, and lower turnover rates.

What are the challenges of hiring remote developers?

There are several challenges associated with hiring remote developers, including difficulty in finding the right fit for your project, lack of face-to-face interaction with the team, trust and accountability issues, communication barriers, and managing time zone differences. All these factors can make remote hiring a bit more complicated than traditional hiring.

How can I overcome the communication barriers while working with remote developers?

Clear and consistent communication is essential when working with remote developers. Some strategies to overcome communication barriers include establishing regular check-ins with remote employees, ensuring that communication channels are open, providing written guidelines on communication expectations, and using video conferencing and project management tools.

What are the mistakes to avoid while hiring remote developers?

Some of the major mistakes to avoid while hiring remote developers include hiring based on comfort and first impressions, not conducting a proper evaluation, and not preparing remote workers for success. Additionally, rushing the interview process and not asking relevant questions can also lead to problems down the road.

How can I ensure that remote developers are productive and committed to the job?

To ensure that remote developers are productive and committed to the job, it is essential to establish clear expectations from the outset. Provide written guidelines on work schedules, communication, and project timelines. Also, ensure that remote employees have the necessary equipment and resources to work effectively, and consider offering a paid trial period to gauge their commitment to the job. Finally, make sure to check in regularly with remote employees to ensure that they are on track and engaged in their work.


Jinesh Shah



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