\n \n

\n \n

\n \n
\n);\n\nexport default BigImageSection;\n","import Image from \"next/image\";\nimport { memo, useState } from \"react\";\n\nconst ServiceFaqs = ({ data }) => {\n const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(null);\n const onItemClick = (index) => {\n setActiveIndex(index === activeIndex ? null : index);\n };\n return (\n

\n FAQs\n

\n {data.map((value, index) => (\n
\n onItemClick(index)}\n >\n

\n \n {index > 10 ? index + 1 : \"0\" + (index + 1)}.\n \n {value.question}\n

\n \n {index === activeIndex ? (\n \n ) : (\n \n )}\n \n
\n ))}\n \n \n );\n};\n\nexport default memo(ServiceFaqs);\n","import Image from \"next/image\";\n\nexport const OurStaff = () => (\n

\n Why choose our IT Staff Augmentation Service?\n


\n \n Because when you choose to work with ultroNeous to fulfill your staff\n augmentation needs, you will get the benefit of the CURQ model which\n we strongly believe in.\n \n

\n \n

\n Cost\n


\n We understand that every requirement comes up with a budget. We\n provide dedicated resources who can fulfill your technical\n requirement, as well as who is fitting within the budget.\n

\n \n

\n Understanding\n


\n Reviewing the requirement and understanding the technicalities,\n expertise level, communication level and any additional notes given\n by you requires the experience which we carry.\n

\n \n

\n Reliability\n


\n We value you and your projects, and that is why the resources who\n work with you will make sure to follow all the working and reporting\n protocols. They will be your reliable outsourcing staff.\n

\n \n

\n Quality\n


\n When you select the dedicated resources from our pool of experts,\n you are guaranteed to get the best quality work which will escalate\n the progress of your project and get results.\n

\n);\nexport default OurStaff;\n","const WhatIsStaffAugmentation = () => (\n

\n What is IT Staff Augmentation?\n


\n \n Staff augmentation service is a trending business model which allows you\n to fill your job positions with trained IT experts on a contract basis\n from the outsourcing partners. When you are stuck in a position where\n you want people to work on your live projects or your client projects on\n an immediate basis, the IT staff augmentation model allows you to hire\n them on a dedicated basis.
\n All you need to share as your profile requirements with us, and we will\n be sharing the matching profiles with competitive rates (might be very\n lower compared to your country wages) and with a similar expertise and\n talent you require. They work as part of your team only, they work on\n your projects only and they report to you only. ultroNeous provides IT\n staff augmentation services to clients across the globe and fulfilling\n their urgent needs.\n

\n);\nexport default WhatIsStaffAugmentation;\n","import PrimaryButton from \"@/components/common/PrimaryButton\";\nimport { LINK_OF_ALL_PAGES } from \"const/common\";\nimport Image from \"next/image\";\nimport Link from \"next/link\";\n\nconst WorkProcess = () => (\n

\n IT Staff Augmentation Process\n


\n \n IT staff augmentation service is a simple process of expanding your\n team. You share your resource requirement (be it a single resource\n or a team consisting of all kinds of team members) with a clear job\n description, expertise, experience and any other special\n instructions. This can be for your own project or for your end\n client who is looking for a IT staff augmentation company\n (nevermind, we have got you covered with a proper legal\n documentation) or for your business.\n \n


a]:text-blue-500 md:mr-16 mb-4\">\n \n Our business team will coordinate with the resource management team,\n and will curate the correct people matching the requirements. That’s\n it, have a word with them and book them to be part of your scalable\n team. As we are one of the most trusted and reliable IT staff\n augmentation & \n \n \n\n Custom Software Development company\n \n \n  you will be working with, so we can commit to build a\n dedicated team for the technologies you require.\n \n

\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n);\n\nexport default WorkProcess;\n","export const STAFF_AUGMENTATION_URL =\n \"https://ultroneous.com/it-staff-augmentation-services\";\nexport const STAFF_AUGMENTATION_DETAIL =\n \"ultroNeous Technologies is a leading IT Staff Augmentation company Use our IT augmentation services. We help clients get quick access to a skilled pool of tech talent.\";\nexport const STAFF_AUGMENTATION_TITLE =\n \"IT Staff Augmentation Services | ultroNeous Technologies\";\n\nexport const STAFF_AUGMENTATION_FAQS_DATA = [\n {\n question: \" What kind of staff augmentation service will you do?\",\n answer:\n 'We will be able to supply you with resources for UI/ UX designing, custom software development, front end development, backend development, mobile app development, digital marketing and any other type of resources you are seeking for. Kindly go through our technologies page to find more details.',\n },\n {\n question: \"How can I share my requirements with you?\",\n answer:\n \"If you have a clear job description and resource parameters defined then you can share it with our IT staff augmentation team via email. If you do not have any idea about what you need in a team then just talk with our business team and they will guide you.\",\n },\n {\n question: \"Will they work with my existing team?\",\n answer:\n \"Yes, our resources are trained to work with a remote team and clients. They will be working in your existing or new projects as your team member only with direct reporting over your communication channels.\",\n },\n {\n question: \" Will I be able to take their interview?\",\n answer:\n \"Yes, you can take the interview or let your end client take their interview under your company’s brand.\",\n },\n {\n question: \"How many resources do I need to hire?\",\n answer:\n \"It is up to you. You can hire a single resource or a completely dedicated team consisting of multiple resources to take care of your project.\",\n },\n {\n question: \"Will your resource directly work with my end client?\",\n answer:\n \" Yes, our resource will be working as your employee only in front of your client. We follow proper legal processes to save the client as well as resource confidentiality. \",\n },\n {\n question: \"Are you an IT staff augmentation company in usa?\",\n answer:\n \"We are based in India having our business team working in the USA too. The resource would be working remotely, added in the communication channel you prefer and will make sure to follow all the processes defined by you or your client. \",\n },\n {\n question: \"What would be the benefit of this business model?\",\n answer:\n \"We will take care of your recruitment, training, admin and staffing costs. Plus we have a free replacement option available for a resource. All this time and cost consuming processes are taken care of by our team which itself is a huge benefit to you.\",\n },\n];\nexport const WHAT_EXPECT_IT_STAFF_DATA = [\n {\n image: \"/assets/services/staff-augmentation/correct-resources.webp\",\n alt: \"Correct set of Resources\",\n title: \"Correct set of Resources\",\n description:\n \"With the clear understanding of your resource or a team requirement, our IT staff augmentation services experts will curate the correct set of resources who will start delivering results from the first day.\",\n },\n {\n image: \"/assets/services/staff-augmentation/agreement-objective.webp\",\n alt: \"Agreement & Objective\",\n title: \"Agreements & Objectives\",\n description:\n \"Here at ultroNeous, In addition to work contracts, we help you setting up OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) for selected professionals to keep everything secured.\",\n },\n {\n image: \"/assets/services/staff-augmentation/dedicated-experts.webp\",\n alt: \"Dedicated Experts\",\n title: \"Dedicated Experts\",\n description:\n \"Being an IT staff augmentation company we provide dedicated tech experts, who bring real value to your product and business by optimizing every development aspect so you can easily transform digitally.\",\n },\n {\n image: \"/assets/services/staff-augmentation/enhanced-productivity.webp\",\n alt: \"Enhanced Productivity\",\n title: \"Enhanced Productivity\",\n description:\n \"As our team focuses solely on your project, their performance productivity increases, and precise communication plans allow clear expression of requirements and the productive execution.\",\n },\n {\n image: \"/assets/services/staff-augmentation/oversight-control.webp\",\n alt: \"Ensure Oversight and Control\",\n title: \"Ensure Oversight and Control\",\n description:\n \"As part of our staff augmentation process, our engineers become part of your internal workflow, reporting directly to management, and attend regular meetings as well as follow any kind of processes you need. \",\n },\n {\n image: \"/assets/services/staff-augmentation/consistent-support.webp\",\n alt: \"Consistent Support\",\n title: \"Consistent Support\",\n description:\n \"Once the hiring procedure is completed, our team provides constant support throughout the project's lifetime to ensure higher engagement and ROI along with a smoother transformation whenever needed.\",\n },\n];\nexport const STAFF_AUGMENTATION_SCHEMA = {\n itstaffAugmentationBreadcrumb: {\n \"@context\": \"http://schema.org\",\n \"@type\": \"BreadcrumbList\",\n itemListElement: [\n {\n \"@type\": \"ListItem\",\n position: 1,\n item: {\n \"@id\": \"https://ultroneous.com/\",\n name: \"ultroNeous Technologies\",\n },\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"ListItem\",\n position: 2,\n item: {\n \"@type\": \"WebPage\",\n \"@id\": \"https://ultroneous.com/services\",\n url: \"https://ultroneous.com/services\",\n name: \"services\",\n },\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"ListItem\",\n position: 3,\n item: {\n \"@type\": \"WebPage\",\n \"@id\": STAFF_AUGMENTATION_URL,\n url: STAFF_AUGMENTATION_URL,\n name: \"IT Staff Augmentation Services\",\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n Faqs_Schema: {\n \"@context\": \"https://schema.org\",\n \"@type\": \"FAQPage\",\n mainEntity: [\n {\n \"@type\": \"Question\",\n name: \"What kind of staff augmentation service will you do?\",\n acceptedAnswer: {\n \"@type\": \"Answer\",\n text: \"We will be able to supply you with resources for UI/ UX designing, custom software development, front end development, backend development, mobile app development, digital marketing and any other type of resources you are seeking for. Kindly go through our technologies page to find more details.\",\n },\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"Question\",\n name: \"How can I share my requirements with you?\",\n acceptedAnswer: {\n \"@type\": \"Answer\",\n text: \"If you have a clear job description and resource parameters defined then you can share it with our IT staff augmentation team via email. If you do not have any idea about what you need in a team then just talk with our business team and they will guide you.\",\n },\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"Question\",\n name: \"Will they work with my existing team?\",\n acceptedAnswer: {\n \"@type\": \"Answer\",\n text: \"Yes, our resources are trained to work with a remote team and clients. They will be working in your existing or new projects as your team member only with direct reporting over your communication channels.\",\n },\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"Question\",\n name: \"Will I be able to take their interview?\",\n acceptedAnswer: {\n \"@type\": \"Answer\",\n text: \"Yes, you can take the interview or let your end client take their interview under your company’s brand.\",\n },\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"Question\",\n name: \"How many resources do I need to hire?\",\n acceptedAnswer: {\n \"@type\": \"Answer\",\n text: \"It is up to you. You can hire a single resource or a completely dedicated team consisting of multiple resources to take care of your project.\",\n },\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"Question\",\n name: \"Will your resource directly work with my end client?\",\n acceptedAnswer: {\n \"@type\": \"Answer\",\n text: \"Yes, our resource will be working as your employee only in front of your client. We follow proper legal processes to save the client as well as resource confidentiality.\",\n },\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"Question\",\n name: \"Are you an IT staff augmentation company in usa?\",\n acceptedAnswer: {\n \"@type\": \"Answer\",\n text: \"We are based in India having our business team working in the USA too. The resource would be working remotely, added in the communication channel you prefer and will make sure to follow all the processes defined by you or your client.\",\n },\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"Question\",\n name: \"What would be the benefit of this business model?\",\n acceptedAnswer: {\n \"@type\": \"Answer\",\n text: \"We will take care of your recruitment, training, admin and staffing costs. Plus we have a free replacement option available for a resource. All this time and cost consuming processes are taken care of by our team which itself is a huge benefit to you.\",\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n};\n","import ClientLogo from \"@/components/common/ClientLogo\";\nimport PrimaryButton from \"@/components/common/PrimaryButton\";\nimport Layout from \"@/components/layout/Layout\";\nimport Benefits from \"@/components/services/common/Benefits\";\nimport BigImageSection from \"@/components/services/common/BigImageSection\";\nimport ServiceFaqs from \"@/components/services/common/ServiceFaqs\";\nimport ServicesHeader from \"@/components/services/common/ServicesHeader\";\nimport OurStaff from \"@/components/services/it-staff-augmentation-services/OurStaff\";\nimport WhatIsStaffAugmentation from \"@/components/services/it-staff-augmentation-services/WhatIsStaffAugmentation\";\nimport WorkProcess from \"@/components/services/it-staff-augmentation-services/WorkProcess\";\nimport { LINK_OF_ALL_PAGES } from \"const/common\";\nimport {\n STAFF_AUGMENTATION_DETAIL,\n STAFF_AUGMENTATION_FAQS_DATA,\n STAFF_AUGMENTATION_SCHEMA,\n STAFF_AUGMENTATION_TITLE,\n STAFF_AUGMENTATION_URL,\n WHAT_EXPECT_IT_STAFF_DATA,\n} from \"const/services/it-staff-augmentation-services\";\n\nconst StaffAugmentation = () => {\n return (\n \n IT staff augmentation service from ultroNeous. Work directly with our trained designers, developers and other IT staff members.\"\n heading=\"IT staff augmentation service\"\n pageName=\"Staff Augmentation\"\n />\n mobile app developer; our recruitment process picks the best people of the industry. They are getting trained following the advanced technology frameworks and tools to keep themselves updated with the latest trends. When you leverage our IT staff augmentation services, we understand your exact needs and supply the dedicated resources who can work directly with you as well as your clients as required to boost up the product development speed.\"\n link={LINK_OF_ALL_PAGES.mainPages.contactUs}\n src=\"/assets/services/staff-augmentation/staff-augmentation.webp\"\n title=\"IT staff augmentation service\"\n val=\"Talk to an expert\"\n />\n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n );\n};\n\nexport default StaffAugmentation;\n"],"names":["window","__NEXT_P","push","properties","div","className","Image","alt","height","objectFit","src","title","width","p","span","dangerouslySetInnerHTML","__html","details","PrimaryButton","arrow","link","val","ServiceFaqs","data","useState","activeIndex","setActiveIndex","h2","map","value","index","onClick","onItemClick","h4","question","answer","memo","h3","br","Link","href","LINK_OF_ALL_PAGES","a","STAFF_AUGMENTATION_URL","STAFF_AUGMENTATION_DETAIL","STAFF_AUGMENTATION_TITLE","STAFF_AUGMENTATION_FAQS_DATA","WHAT_EXPECT_IT_STAFF_DATA","image","description","STAFF_AUGMENTATION_SCHEMA","itstaffAugmentationBreadcrumb","itemListElement","position","item","name","url","Faqs_Schema","mainEntity","acceptedAnswer","text","Layout","canonicalLink","keywords","ogDescription","ogImage","ogTitle","ogType","ogUrl","schema","twitterDescription","twitterImage","twitterTitle","ServicesHeader","heading","pageName","BigImageSection","WhatIsStaffAugmentation","WorkProcess","OurStaff","ClientLogo","Benefits"],"sourceRoot":""}